Following the Elections of Honorary officers on Sunday 27th June 2021,
the following officers were duly Elected,
Back Row, Left to Right:
Arshad Afzal
Zafar Hussain
Dawood Khan
Mohammed Ali
Zubair Khan
From left to right front row:
Haji Pehlwan Khan
Shah Nawaz Khan
Shakir Afzal
Iltaf Hussain
Ibrar Hussain
Shah Faisal
Mohammed Shireen
Adil Hamid
Not in the Picture :
Gulbath Khan
Sajawal Khan
Riysath Khan
Umath Khan
The election team and process
The election team and process
The election team and process
The election team and process
The election team and process
The election team and process
The election team and process
The election team and process
The election team and process
Culture classes for the community children on the weekends
Culture classes for the community children on the weekends
Tuesday 23rd Nov 6pm at British Pashtoon House
112 Hobmoor Rd Small Heath Birmingham B10 9BU
Drug gangs are exploiting vulnerable people in your area using violence and abuse,
criminals are getting others including young and vulnerable people to act as couriers for drugs,
sometimes taking over the homes of victims.
Speak out. Tell us what you know
0800 555 111